Example: The following command starts the customer-service and all its depending services in Docker.
mdocs up customer-service
mdocs up customer-service
MicroDocs is an unique open source solution for the RestAPI Documentation. It gives you the ability to organise many projects and keeps track of different versions on different environments.
docker run -d --name microdocs -p 3000:3000
/my/data:/microdocs/microdocs-server/data maxxton/microdocs
MicroDocs detects breaking changes in RestAPI calls between projects. So you are always aware when you break something and never face the problem again of incompatible RestAPI's
MicroDocs has currently a Crawler for the Spring Framework. But because MicroDocs is compatible with the OpenApi specifictations, you can also use Swagger Tools
MicroDocs fits perfectly in your CI or CD pipeline. There are currently plugins for Jenkins and Gradle, besides that does MicroDocs works well with Swagger Tools and Api Blueprint Tools
You are in control of your own MicroDocs server. Browse and explore your Api's using the web interface.